Global Workplace Equality Index | Cymru
Chwaraewch Ran

Global Workplace Equality Index

People at work

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The definitive benchmarking tool for global LGBT workplace equality, designed to meet the specific needs of multinational organisations.

Global Workplace Equality Index

In more than half the world, LGBT people may not be protected by workplace law.

LGBT people face discrimination in every country, and same-sex relationships are criminalised in more than 70. This poses serious legal, ethical and practical challenges to global employers.

The Global Equality Index  is free to enter and is open to any multinational organisation, enabling them to navigate these challenges and make progress towards LGBT equality, no matter where in the world they operate. Participating organisations are invited to tell us about their work against a range of criteria. Each section helps organisations to self-assess their progress and identify priorities.

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Key benefits of taking part

Why participate?

Assess your work

Participating helps you to assess your organisation's achievements and progress on LGBT equality across your global operations - ensuring LGBT inclusion is embedded in every country and region. 

Receive recognition

High-performing organisations will be celebrated as Top Global Employers and could receive a number of additional awards.

Show your commitment 

Taking part is a great way to show your commitment to the new UN Standards of Conduct for business on tackling discrimination against LGBTI people. Even if you've completed our Workplace Equality Index, the scope of the Global Index gives you a chance to assess your progress on LGBT inclusion in your workplaces around the world. You can also compare your performance with other global organisations.

Build an action plan

Stonewall Global Diversity Champion members receive in-depth tailored feedback from our experts and taking part is completely free.

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